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These are a few samples of my work. If you want a portfolio more tailored to your industry, please feel free to reach out at: amanda@hiddenmegaphonecopywriter.com

Blog posts

Healthcare and Wellness, Fitness and Beauty

Data Analytics and AI in Healthcare Decision-Making : Amino Health Blog post sample

Amino Health: Data Analytics and AI in Healthcare Decision- Making

Life Fitness: Workplace Gym Facilities: How Employee Physical Activity Impacts Business Results

How Organic Juices transform your skin : Juice Beauty blog post sample

Juice Beauty: How Organic Juices Transform your skin

Consumer Goods: Food and Beverages

The substainable choice : Brekki blog post sample

Brekki: The Sustainable choice: Why Plant-Based Breakfasts Matter for the Planet

Saas: Creative tools

How to launch your business : Canva blog post sample

Canva : How to launch your Business: A 6-Step Blueprint

Personal Development and Training

Become a copywriter in 2025 : Awai blog post sample

AWAI: Become a Copywriter in 2025: 5 steps to get started

Web Copy

Green leaf website mockup sample

Consumer Goods/ Food and Beverages: Green Leaf

Healthcare and Wellness: Amino Health

Beauty :Juice Beauty